Sunday 14 August 2016

Indigo Shadow: Page Forty-Six

“Your mother committed suicide didn’t she?” Sienna asked.

He nodded, tears appearing in his eyes. “But it wasn’t because of her ability if that’s worrying you. It was his fault. That’s why I tried to warn Wendy’s mum away, but she just thought I was jealous.” He punched the table. “Jealous? I hate his guts if I could cut his half of my DNA out of my cells I would.” He shook his head. “But that’s why I’m taking this calmly, you’re stronger than any psychic I’ve ever heard of but I knew real psychics existed. But I think you’re something different. I have an inkling that the fog has something to do with it.”

“I do to.” Sienna checked the time and sighed. “I need to call mum and dad again. They did say every hour.” She looked at her phone and blinked in surprise. “And I have signal down here.”

“One of mine and Martin’s toys,” Wendy said. “It let’s us get signal just about anywhere.”

“Useful.” Sienna dialled her parents. She only intended to have a brief conversation to reassure them she was okay, but before she could speak her father interrupted her.

“Sweetpea, you should check the news if you can,” he said.

“What's wrong now, Dad?” Sienna's stomach twisted alarmingly at his stressed tone. She stared at Martin willing him to check the news, though she did try and make it a suggestion rather than an order. Martin gave her a curious look and grabbed his laptop.

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